Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Symptoms are finally kicking in

Well, this pregnancy has definitely kicked in since my last post.  I'm beyond exhausted and nauseous pretty much all day.  I haven't thrown up, but there are many times each day that I wish I would.  I've become a complete waste of space.  When I'm home, all I do is lay around watching tv, sleeping or reading books.  When I'm not home, all I do is complain about wanting to be home.  My husband is so ready for me to be feeling better.  Not sure how long this is going to linger though...I guess only time will tell.  While I do complain about how I'm feeling, I can't help but be so grateful.  These symptoms remind me that our little bean is busy growing away in there and I will gladly deal with feeling like complete poo for awhile while he/she does so.

Just under 2 weeks until our next u/s.  I cannot wait to hear that heartbeat.  I continue praying every day that we will be fortunate enough to see our munchkin growing and hear that beautiful heartbeat. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

1st ultrasound!

I had my first ultrasound yesterday at 6w3d.  It went really well!  I was so nervous my legs were shaking when I first sat down on the table.  I had to do a vaginal u/s since I was so early.  She found our little bean with no problem!  And while we didn't get to hear the heartbeat, we got to see it.  It was like a little white light flashing on and off.  I am measuring right on track too...which was great to hear.  I cried the second the u/s tech showed us our baby.  I couldn't help myself....i was just so happy.

After that, we met with my doctor.  He was pretty happy for us, but we all remain "cautiously optimistic."  We talked to him for about 45 min.  We discussed possible genetic testing (amnio vs CVS) and I don't think we're doing to do either.  After some discussion, it's just what works best for us.  We also talked about pregnancy basics...I needed a little refresher since it's been awhile.  :)  He finished up by checking my cervix and it was closed and looked good.

I asked about possible spotting from the u/s and from his check of my cervix and he said that I shouldn't spot, but if i do, there's no need to panic.  He said that I could of course call the office anytime i wanted to, but that any spotting didn't necessarily mean something bad.

Well, naturally, I had some spotting last night.  I mean, teeny tiny spotting.  A few little brown spots on my underwear and a teeny smidge (and I mean teeny) of red when I wiped.  Of course, I freaked out and was in a bad mood the rest of the night.  It only happened that one time last night and today has been ok.  I had one instance today where I wiped and had some brown, creamy CM.  Other than that, nothing too major, but it still makes me a little nervous.  So, I'm taking it easy today...just laying around and drinking lots of water.  Maybe I'm over-reacting, but I'm ok with that.

Soooo....take a look at our little bean!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Uneventful and optimistic

Well, so far things have been pretty uneventful.   I feel completely normal for the most part.  My boobs have been a little sore the entire time, but nothing that is causing any serious discomfort.  I'm hungry, but that's nothing new...I'm always hungry.  I'm tired....but again, nothing new.  I'm tired most of the time anyway.  So I'm feeling pretty good!  With my last pregnancy (prior to the m/c), I was nauseous a lot between weeks 6-8.  I never got sick, but had waves of nausea that would hit me like a ton of bricks out of nowhere.  I'm curious to see if I'll feel the same this time around.

I'm still feeling pretty optimistic about this pregnancy.  I made it past the 5 week mark, which is when I started spotting with the last pregnancy.  Don't get me wrong, I'm still nervous and anxious, but for some reason, I just feel good about this being a sticky baby.  Our ultrasound is only 5 days away!  I am praying so hard that we see a healthy little bean and hear a good, strong heartbeat.

Friday, January 13, 2012

2nd betas and 5 weeks

I had my 2nd beta draw on Monday.  On Tuesday, I got the happy news that our betas had more than doubled to 401!  In a normal pregnancy, betas are to double every 48 hours or so.  Since my last draw was last Thursday, we were hoping to see any number over 224.  I was thrilled when the nurse told me it was 401.  She said that the doctor doesn't want to draw anymore and that he'll see me on the 23rd for our u/s.  Part of me would love to know that my betas are increasing as they should, but it was really stressing me out, so I'm ok with just waiting until the 23rd (which of course seems like forever away!)

I am 5 weeks today.  Today is the day I started spotting in my last pregnancy.  I've had no spotting yet (knock on wood!!) and feel very optimistic about this being a sticky baby!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Still can't believe it - BFP!

It's been a few days, but I still can't believe that I got my BFP.  I tested on Wednesday, 1/4 (12 dpo) with a Wondfo and got a very faint line. My first reaction was, "Holy crap!"  I had fully prepared myself for a BFN.  I tested again with a FRER and again a VERY faint line.  I tested with a FRER digital and got a "no."  I re-read the FRER digital instructions and it turns out I didn't hold the stick in the sample long enough, so that may have been why I got the negative.

Anyway, I told DH and he couldn't believe it either.  We decided to just have me test again the next morning and see how it went.  I tested again with a Wondfo and a FRER and still saw a second line on both of them.  I finally busted out the big guns and got...

At this point, I decided it was time to call my OB and let him know.  He wanted me to come in for bloodwork as soon as I got my BFP, so I went in on Thursday morning. 

I tested again on Friday with just a Wondfo and got an even darker line.   I didn't test this morning, but I plan on testing tomorrow (Sunday). 

I got a call from my OB's office on Friday and got my beta results.  HCG = 56, Prog = 16.7.  I don't really know if that's good or bad.  I asked if those were ok and the nurse said yes.  I go in for a repeat draw on Monday.  I'll have to wait until Tuesday to get the results.  The waiting involved with being pregnant is torture.  I remember it being bad with my DS, but it's even worse now after experiencing a loss.  I want this baby so badly.  I pray every day that this will be our sticky baby and make DS a big brother.